Here’s How To Get Our Recordings
We understand that there are many ways of listening, and many ways that people like to obtain their audiobooks. So here are some other options:
All of our titles are available for download from this site, which is sort of the mother lode of all audiobooks. If you are an audible subscriber, look for us there.
Our titles may be available on Spotify in your region! And if you have premium, you get 15 listening hours a month. So take advantage of that and listen to some audiobooks!
If you prefer to support independent bookstores, then Libro is the best place to shop for your audiobooks. Check them out!
Brilliance Audio
For those who prefer hard copy, Brilliance Audio has put all of our titles on CD and/or MP3-CD, and the prices are quite good. The best source to obtain them is Look up a book title and the lead page should also offer a link to obtain the audio version of the book in hard copy.
A family subscription service called EPIC! is another place to find many of our titles. EPIC! specializes in younger listeners, so you will not find any of our teen titles there. But if you have younger listeners in the elementary school age, this is a great source for our titles and hundreds of others. You’ll find them at
If your local library subscribes to HOOPLA you can stream our titles to your listening device.
If your school library subscribes to TALES TO GO, you should be able to stream our titles via their service. Talk to your librarian. Happy listening!