Are you ever going to record COLD FIRE and SHATTERGLASS?

Versions of this (“Why haven’t you . . .?” “Did you ever . . . ?”) are hands down the most common questions that pop up on our Facebook page these days. As to the why haven’t we, the answer is simple, and sad. We ran out of money. The 2008 economic meltdown, plus a back-stabbing by a corporate partner, hit FCA really hard. But, as I like to say, we ain’t dead yet! Tammy and I have talked many times about trying to do these. And, yes, we have discussed doing a Kickstarter if we ever do decide to tackle them. However the barrier isn’t only financial. Inertia is a factor as well. Getting projects this big into motion would take a huge amount of effort, since I no longer have a full support team in place, and we would have to gather an enormous team of actors. So for now I’m sticking to shorter projects with smaller cast. Even so, I haven’t given up on the idea of returning to the Circle World!

Box, The

Temporarily Unavailable

by Bruce Coville

Michael has a box. It was given to him by an angel, who asks him to take care of it. The box is a joy and a burden. Protecting it will change and shape Michael’s life in ways he cannot imagine. An odd and strangely moving story.
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Duffy’s Jacket

  1. Duffy's Jacket 15:41


by Bruce Coville

A camping trip to an isolated and long vacant cabin, an absent-minded cousin, a threatening message on the wall … heck, what could go wrong? A funny, scary delight for listening to late at night … or anytime you want a laugh or a scare!
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Homeward Bound

Temporarily Unavailable

by Bruce Coville

Jamie is alone, left in the care of his cold, harsh uncle. On the wall of his uncle’s study hangs a long, silvery horn. Uncle claims it came from a narwhale. Jamie is sure that it is something different, something much more rare. And he is determined to find out.
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Biscuits of Glory

0.99 – Buy now!

by Bruce Coville

Benjie Perkins’ parents make their living by buying old houses and fixing them up to sell, so Benjie is used to odd noises in the night. But this time, it’s different. This time what he hears is the ghost of Elvira Thistledown, who is kept from moving on to glory by a truly strange curse. Can Benjie free her restless spirit?Continue reading

Old Glory

Temporarily Unavailable

by Bruce Coville

Set in a chilling future that seems more and more possible each year, this unforgettable story asks the question, “When the government becomes too controlling, what does it really mean to be a patriot?”Continue reading