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Category Archives: Audio Sample
Odder Than Ever
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by Bruce Coville
i, earthling
i, earthling
by Bruce Coville
by Cynthia DeFelice
Erik is preparing for his first-ever hunting trip when he learns that his parents are being deployed to Iraq. A few days later, Erik is shipped off to North Dakota to live with Big Darrell and Oma, grandparents he barely knows.
Giant’s Tooth, The
The Giant’s Tooth
Temporarily Unavailable
by Bruce Coville
Golden Sail, The
The Golden Sail
Temporarily Unavailable
by Bruce Coville
My Teacher Fried My Brains
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by Bruce Coville
The whole situation began when Duncan Dougal was hiding out in a dumpster (it’s a long and smelly story). Stuck in the garbage, he discovered proof that even though the kids drove off the alien named Broxholm the year before, there is still an alien-in-disguise working as one of their 7th grade teachers! But which teacher is it? That’s the mystery Duncan must solve to protect the school – and himself.
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Box, The
by Bruce Coville
Michael has a box. It was given to him by an angel, who asks him to take care of it. The box is a joy and a burden. Protecting it will change and shape Michael’s life in ways he cannot imagine. An odd and strangely moving story.
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Passing of the Pack, The
by Bruce Coville
A young man sits in a cave, face to face with an aging wolf. The wolf wants something from him. This is the story of how he got there, and the choice that he will be forced to make.
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With His Head Tucked Underneath His Arm
by Bruce Coville
Brion is beheaded for resisting the king’s wars. This injustice so angers the dead man that he climbs out of his grave to try to set things right. The consequences are . . . unexpected.