Ghost in the Third Row

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by Bruce Coville

When Nina (“Nine”) Tanleven earns a spot in a new musical to be mounted in the beautiful-but-spooky Grand Theater, she expects that she will be in for a lot of fun and a lot of hard work. What she does not expect is that she will find a best friend, the cheerful and funny Chris Gurley. Even more unexpected is the beautiful ghost that appears to both of them.
Though “The Woman in White” seems friendly, soon mysterious and frightening events begin to pile up. Before long, most of the cast is convinced that the ghost is trying to sabotage the show.

Nine and Chris don’t believe it, and move into full detective mode to try to solve the mystery. In doing so, they find themselves in greater danger than they could have imagined.

Newcomer Sophia Greene sparkles as Nine, and she is delightfully supported by a crew of Full Cast regulars who bring this much-loved ghost story to vivid new life.

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by Avi

When Philip Malloy starts humming along to his school’s daily playing of the Star Spangled Banner, his insistence on continuing to do so even after his teacher, Miss Margaret Narwin, asks him to stop sets in motion a chain of events that will soon ripple out control.

Author Avi
Narrator The Full Cast Family
Length 186 Minutes
© Copyright 1991 Avi
℗ Audio Copyright 2020 Full Cast Audio

Listen to samples from this audiobook:

  1. Chapter 1 Full Cast Audio 1:02

Meet the Cast
Character Actor
Moderator Bruce Coville
Margaret Narwin Katie Gibson
Phillop Malloy Mikey Mousaw
Mrs. Malloy Carmen Viviano Crafts
Mr. Malloy Mark Austin
Dr. Joseph Palleni Mike Larkin
Ted Griffin Tim Fox
Jake Barlow Jim Reith

The Japanese Mirror

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by Bruce Coville

Jonathan is attracted to the ornate mirror from the first moment he sees it in the antique shop where he works after school. But there is something wrong with the mirror, something evil – as Jonathan will discover after he accidentally gets a trace of his blood on its surface in this disturbing tale of terror.
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So, this is happening!

Susan Simmons is upset to learn that her favorite teacher, Ms. Schwartz, has left school with no warning. Things get even worse when she meets their new teacher, the stricter-than-strict Mr. Smith. Soon sixth grade is going bad faster than a dead fish on a hot day.
Then Susan discovers Mr. Smith’s fantastic secret: he’s really a disguised alien planning to kidnap some of her classmates.

To unmask the extraterrestrial in their midst, Susan enlists the help of Peter, the class brain. Duncan, the class bully, insists on helping too. But what can three kids do against such a powerful creature?

NOTE: This recording is a production of Listening Library. We have it on hand because it was written by our publisher, Bruce Coville.