Kissing the Bee

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by Kathe Koja

About to graduate from high school, quivering on the edge of adulthood, Dana, Avra, and Emil are locked in an intricate dance of commitment, desire, and promises. Dana, investigating the enigmatic world of bees, is ready to pursue her education as a science writer. Avra is longing to bolt for freedom. And Emil… well, Emil is keeping his own counsel.

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Guitar Boy

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by M.J. Auch

Travis Tacey is in a peck of trouble. His mother is hospitalized from a serious accident and his father, lost in a haze of grief, has focused his anger and guilt on his oldest son. Which is why, at age fourteen, Travis finds himself out of a home and on the road in New York State’s Adirondack Mountains.

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Girls, The

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by Amy Goldman Koss

This multiple-viewpoint novel explores several days in the life of a middle school clique that suddenly shuns one of its members. With poignant, painful detail the author takes us into the mind of each girl involved, brilliantly illuminating the problem of girl-on-girl meanness. Must listening for middle school girls—and the parents who love them!

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Disappearing Act

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by Sid Fleischman

What do you do when your mother disappears and a strange man starts stalking you? If you’re Kevin and Holly Kidd, you try to lose yourself in the wacky world of Venice Beach, California, where boardwalk entertainers do everything from juggling watermelons to telling fortunes to try to make a living.

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Beloved Dearly, The

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by Doug Cooney

Ernie Castellano, fast-talking wheeler-dealer kid, has come up with his greatest idea yet: pet funerals! With his pals Dusty (an artist in coffins) and Swimming Pool (one of the world’s great criers, an asset to any funeral she attends) Ernie creates a thriving business—and manages to land himself in more hot water than he has ever dreamed of. High-spirited, hilarious, and unexpectedly touching, The Beloved Dearly is a sparkling debut for a major new voice in books for young readers.

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